
How to secure Elixir codebases: Fireside chat with Holden Oullette


Milan Williams
Milan Williams


Holden Oulette headshot
Holden Oullette


Elixir is a programming language that is relatively niche, but has the potential to take the programming world by storm. As a high-concurrency and very low-latency language, Elixir is well suited to handle large data volumes (pertinent in many industries like finance, telecom, e-commerce, etc).

More niche languages like Elixir lack the wealth of resources and tutorials normally available to developers - especially in regards to secure design and practices.

In this webinar, we’ll speak with Holden Oullette, a prominent figure in the Elixir community who is an active maintainer of Sobelow, a free, open-source SAST tool for Elixir. We’ll talk to him about best practices and potential challenges in securing Elixir codebases, his experience helping ship Elixir support for Semgrep, and general insights around Elixir as a language and the use-cases and future he envisions for the community.

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